Are you trying to encourage teenagers to read? I am too. As a high school English teacher, here is how I get high school students to read. Part of my…
Posts Taggedclassroom library
Classroom Library Ideas: Adding Engagement with Books
The following classroom library ideas will encourage engagement with your books and build a community of readers. As a high school ELA teacher, you can have a classroom library—hundreds of…
The Joy of Reading with Secondary Students
What does research say about spreading the joy of reading with secondary students? We language arts teachers can encourage our readers to pick up books. My personal children are younger…
Share Literature With Students: Show Your Love
Share literature with students to increase involvement with books and to build classroom community. Part of being an English teacher is allowing your students to witness you nerd out literature,…
Enhance Classroom Library Engagement: Key Strategies
Secondary teachers: how can you increase classroom library engagement? You can change student reading habits with an engaged classroom library. I returned to teaching in 2015. For six years, I…
The Grace Year: Young Adult Literature Book Review
The Grace Year is a new release by Kim Liggett. This book is a New York Times Bestseller. Movie talks are already in the works! Students will read this book,…
Picture Books in the Secondary Classroom
Do you use picture books in the secondary classroom? My librarian calls these books “everybody books” and with good reason. After I read The Book Whisperer, I knew that I…
Teaching Graphic Novels
Teaching graphic novels? I have taught graphic novels and have them in my classroom library. The picture below illustrates how I feel about graphic novels: colorful, with appealing pictures and…
Building a Classroom Library Inexpensively
You’ve decided that building a classroom library is a priority. Inexpensive book finds are a must! Cheap books for classroom library can be found. Honestly, for years building a classroom…
Revived by Cat Patrick: Young Adult Literature
Revived by Cat Patrick will be a nice addition to a high school classroom library. The book focuses on a secret government program and the unintended consequences of never dying,…