Secondary teachers: how can you increase classroom library engagement? You can change student reading habits with an engaged classroom library.
I returned to teaching in 2015. For six years, I had worked part-time and blogged. When I left my full-time job in 2009, I was burned and thought I’d become a writer for a living. At no point was I considering student reading habits or returning to the classroom!
I love writing, and I love writing about what I’m reading. As I stayed home with three young children, I immersed myself in parenting books which largely dealt with early literacy. (Basically, I returned to reading educational books, lol.) Reading about reading led me to falling in love with teaching again.
This story is to show you that when I returned to teaching, I was pumped to share reading with my high school students, to build a community of learners. Even though I couldn’t articulate the point, a shift occurred to thinking of student reading habits. I chose young adult books and read as many as I could. Research and statistics were fresh in my head. I packed books into my room, ready to go.
Not much happened. First Chapter Friday worked, but students didn’t engage with the books as I had hoped. So, I had all of these novels, wonderful students. . . I started experimenting. To figure out my engagement problem, I moved to intentional activities.
How can ELA teachers increase classroom library engagement?
Overall, my best advice is to experiment with stories and get the books into the hands of students. You might have experiments that could be smoother, but with time and reflection, you will have a set of tools to get students reading.
Boosting reader engagement with high school students took time, but eventually, their reading habits improved. As I purposefully built classroom library engagement, here is what worked.
Ask your learners for recommendations.
Honestly care about what your students read—ask them for your next book.
If I want my students to see themselves as readers, if I care about student reading habits, I need to ask them about what they enjoy reading. I learn about my students by seeing their interests. This knowledges helps me create meaningful lesson plans. I always allow student feedback when choosing short stories, for instance.
If you really want to know what young adults read, ask them! I have both a designated jar where students drop off book ideas and a list (attached to a clipboard) for students to add ideas. I check the suggestions and stay aware when looking online or at used book stores.
Many times, I’ll ask the student why they recommend the book, and then I’ll have other suggestions based off that recommendation. At the very least, I’m learning about that student as a reader and building a relationship.
Showcase books based on your area of study.
Some of my students will study English in college, and some will become teachers. I teach high school, and teenagers frequently share their future careers. Often, students will major in law, international business, linguistics, or communications. All of those jobs require an understanding of language and developed writing skills. Furthermore, some students simply are interested in the content of your class.
Inspire students with advanced books. Students might not read all of literary criticism book, but they can look forward to what they’ll soon study. Increase library engagement with books dealing with our content.
Classroom library engagement can encourage the future.
Display picture books.
You never know what types of books students read when they were much younger. Displaying picture books is a fun conversation starter. Students share their experiences reading and if you’re reading a book to the class, they are likely to pipe in with additions from an older perspective. Plus? Older students enjoy these books!
I’ve grabbed tons of picture books from library sales. Typically, these books contain small snippets of facts with bright pictures. Picture books are easy to add to lessons. Familiarize yourself with them, and add them to stories spontaneously.
Plus, boosting reader engagement with found poetry or blackout poetry works well crumpled picture books.
Highlight books based on seasons and the news.
I have never made a snowman out of white books, but I plan on it. I have made a rainbow and black/white pattern. Sometimes I arrange books by genres.
As a secondary teacher, I am guilty of ignoring the weather or seasons. This year, however, I purposefully put aside “summer” books to showcase after spring break. During National Poetry Month, I’ll set out poetry books.
I switch these books in prime locations: on the chalkboard ledge, in display stands, and atop bookcases.
Enhance literacy.
Literacy development is not a frequent term used with secondary English teachers. We don’t have a section of leveled books, a list of classroom jobs, or labels of reading levels like an elementary classroom might. So! we must get creative because of sense of ownership matters.
Still, middle school and high school teachers cover:
- different genres
- reading engagement
- accessibility
- student engagement
- literacy skills
- comprehension
Classroom library ideas might differ from elementary to high school, but we can get our classroom library books to students. With book spine poetry and one pager activities, you can pull from your library space and give your community of readers an opportunity to engage with the books. Since those activities work with any type of book, the threshold for success is low!
Pull the books from your organized classroom library and experiment with your readers!
Rearrange books.
This action can be as simple as switching the dystopian section with the mystery section. Students develop habits, and they might gravitate to the same section of the classroom. Spice up what they see by switching or mixing up books. I also switch posters and encouragements throughout the school year so that students will walk over to the bookshelves.
Sometimes, I ask classes to arrange books with me throughout the school year. Students find books to read, they take ownership of the library, and they share young adult literature recommendations.
I pack up books at the end of the school year because my room is deep-cleaned. As students help me, I do encourage them to take books for the summer. I joke with them (sincerely!) that I want an excuse to see them next year, and the book return is my insurance.
Find texts: Amazon? Librarian?
My philosophy on classroom materials is that teachers should not have to buy their own materials or classroom libraries. My philosophy is not everyone’s, so you might build your classroom library in your own way.
Some teachers have an Amazon or Bookshop wishlists. Others work with their local librarian or school specialist.
We English language arts teachers might have to be creative. Ask for free boxes (or at least discounted) boxes of books at donation centers. Unfortunately, US schools are not fairly funded.
Keep the circulation going!
Owning a classroom library can’t be the beginning and ending of literacy with secondary students. An organized library is great, but when all of my shelving and shelf labels were tidy, my books weren’t being read. A love of reading might be messy!
Classroom library engagement, the handling and reading of stories, takes purposeful actions. Once you model these engagements with students, they will begin arranging and showcasing without prompting. Student reading habits will become natural, and overall reading will be increased.