Coordinate Adjectives Task Cards & Coordinate Adjective Worksheet


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Study and review coordinate adjectives with a grammar worksheet and task cards. Grammar task cards are perfect for station work or group work after practicing with a worksheet.

This coordinate adjective activity practices identifying coordinate adjectives and using commas correctly. Specifically teach coordinate adjectives and their comma use.

Included in this coordinate adjective worksheet and task cards download:

☆ 20 sentences with adjectives. Some of the adjectives are coordinate and others are not. Students must decide when to use a comma, and when it is not necessary. (One sentence per task card.) The task cards are in a PDF and a Google Slides version.

☆ Student answer sheet for the grammar task cards.

☆ Worksheet. The grammar worksheet also has a digital version.

☆ Answer keys for both the worksheet and task cards.

This coordinate adjective activity specifically addresses common core standard L.7.2.A, coordinate adjectives.

Study comma placement with these task cards and worksheet for coordinate adjectives.

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Task Cards, Worksheets