Seventh Grade Grammar Bundle | Sentence Structure, Phrases, Clauses


This seventh grade grammar bundle allows freedom when teaching grammar. Provide a variety of grammar activities in your seventh grade language arts classroom while meeting language standards.

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Teaching seventh grade grammar? These activities will engage your seventh graders. 

This grammar bundle covers the seventh grade Common Core standards for language: phrases, clauses, sentence structure, dangling modifiers, misplaced modifiers, spelling (confusing words), and coordinate adjectives. It includes TEN files with PDFs AND digital work (either worksheets, task cards, or both) and extra presentations to introduce the material.

Included in this seventh grade grammar bundle:

→ Dangling Modifiers Task Cards Grammar Errors in Writing Task Cards

→ Misplaced Modifiers Task Cards Grammar Errors in Writing Task Cards

→ Simple and Compound Sentences Grammar Sort Sentence Structure

→ Sentence Structure Task Cards Grammar Activity Editable, Print, Digital

→ Sentence Structure Worksheets: Simple, Compound, Complex, & Compound-Complex

→ Verbal Phrases (Gerund, Participial, Infinitive) Digital Grammar Task Cards

→ Coordinate Adjectives Task Cards & Coordinate Adjective Worksheet

→ Digital Phrase or Clause Grammar Activity: Self-Grading Google Form

→ Phrases and Clauses Print & Digital Grammar Worksheets, Presentation

→ Confusing Words Digital Activity Self-Grading Form Confusing Words Activity

Many of these middle school grammar activities are in my store individually, but this grammar bundle is a discounted price.

Special note about this seventh grade grammar bundle:

These grammar worksheets, grammar sort, self-grading assignment, and task cards can help you meet the Common Core standards listed for seventh grade; however, they are suitable for older grades.

For instance, I use these grammar activities with high school students to review for standardized testing.

Overall seventh grade language note:

When I taught seventh grade, I struggled to find age-appropriate looking grammar activities for teaching phrases, clauses, modifier errors, coordinate adjectives, and sentence structure.

I created these middle school English grammar activities because understanding grammatical concepts takes time, and students enjoyed their mature appearance.