Efficient Classroom Procedures for Older Students

I thought of meaningful classroom procedures last night. (I’m a teacher and I do such abnormalities.) Teaching procedures and routines can help in the secondary classroom. How, and why?

I saw a pin of this article from Scholastic. It is largely geared toward younger classrooms but with a few alterations, many tips would work for high schoolers. Older students benefit from classroom procedures, even if they feel like they have outgrown them.

Before I took graduate classes, I didn’t have meaningful classroom procedures outside of tornado, fire, intruder, etc. I created some for an assignment and never looked back. Teaching procedures and routines became a norm in my secondary room. My classroom management was better, and my relationships with students were better because of routines. Parent questions plummeted, and administrators knew what to expect from my classes. Implementing basic classroom procedures and routines for high school bettered my day-to-day activities.

Make meaningful classroom procedures for older students to better classroom management. Build relationships with students by teaching procedures and routines. Classroom procedures and routines for high school can be simple and effective so that students understand what to do each day in class. Teaching classroom routines and procedures does not take long, but teacher and student relationships will grow & students can meet high school standards with basic routines and procedures.

Will meaningful classroom procedures for older students work?

Yes. Older students appreciate consistency in their school days. Consistency provides a safe and predictable culture.

After implementing procedures for basic activities, my room was neater, and I wasted less time quieting and corralling everyone. Substitutes wrote in their daily notes that the students knew what to do—making their jobs easier. Finally, my classes knew what to expect. Older students appreciate that, even if they don’t verbalize it.

While you may not need a procedure for basic activities such as getting a tissue, other procedures can help your room run smoothly.

First, decide what needs a procedure. Don’t simply make procedures to say that you have some! Take into account what you want to accomplish from the procedures. That being said, here are several common instances where classroom procedures work nicely.

How do you want students entering the classroom? Should students begin working or wait for your direction?

Possibilities for the start of class include students starting work when entering (such as writing in journals as bell work); gathering an assignment, book, or notebook from a predetermined spot; or sitting and opening the previous day’s work.

When students don’t know your expectations, class is started in a mishmash way. Classes will find their own sense of “regular” which might include chatting, hanging out in the hall, or playing on cell phones.

I typically start class with an assignment. A successful room starts organized. For instance, I write the first activity on the board and put details in Google Classroom.

But! Classes know they may look for a book in my classroom library. Normally at the start of class, my kiddos begin their assignments while a few look for books. A few others are filling out requests for First Chapter Friday. (I have material for organizing First Chapter Friday as a free download.) I take attendance and begin walking the room to greet everyone and start them on the day’s work.

From the beginning of the school year, I run through this valuable classroom procedure. We start class the same way, every day.

Decide if your transitions during class could use procedures: restroom.

If students switch supplies or spaces, they may work better if they know your expectations.

Some teachers play music during transitions. Classes grow accustomed to the songs and know how much time they have until they should be working on the next activity. I typically give everyone a specific time, like 47 seconds.

Then, I help students move their material or set up the next activity. Working physically in the space contributes to the message that we are all on the same team.

Finally, have a systems checklist for small group work. Do you want members in the hall? Are they allowed to spread out? What should they turn in (and where!) at the end of class?

Examine how students leave your classroom.

Are you happy with their exits? If you are picking up papers or supplies, design procedures so students clean after themselves. A secret weapon of productivity is to have them take responsibility for materials. I don’t go as far as assigning classroom jobs, but classes know where material must be returned.

Personalize what works for your classroom. For instance, a pet-peeve of mine is students lining up before the bell rings. Other teachers want their classes to leave only after they have verbally dismissed the class. Effective classroom procedures work for your community of learners.

An orderly dismissal also prevents chaos. A physical stampede can actually be dangerous. Tell them you are concerned for their safety, because you are!

Incorporating social and emotional learning into classroom procedures

Incorporating social and emotional learning (SEL) into classroom procedures will foster a supportive and engaging environment for older students. When teachers weave SEL into their everyday routines, they not only enhance academic growth but also cultivate essential life skills such as empathy, resilience, and effective communication. Since we teach English, we’ll be covering stories that build those important pieces. When we incorporate those pieces across our students’ experiences in our room, classes will (hopefully) retain them better.

When discussing expectations, for example, frame them in a way that emphasizes respect and collaboration, making it clear that everyone’s voice matters. Integrating SEL practices, such as group reflections after a project or collaborative problem-solving activities, reinforces the value of teamwork and understanding diverse perspectives. Ultimately, when meaningful classroom procedures incorporate these principles, students thrive academically and emotionally—a goal that teachers share.

Look at basic neatness.

How should students tidy the room? Part of building a classroom community is taking ownership of the physical room. You could make other classroom procedures for turning in papers, making up assignments, submitting late work, and getting/ returning supplies. If you electronically communicate with classes, consider guidelines for that too. Look at special circumstances; do students ever share books or electronic devices?

If an area of your room is problematic, discuss it. It is their classroom too! What would make this issue better? Do they need a bin for placing materials? The trash can moved? Once you’ve established routines, you can ask students to contribute ideas. A great idea is to include students in the ownership of the room.

Finally, how many classroom procedures for older students are too many? You can always start with 2 or 3 at the beginning of the year. Students expect directions, and many students find comfort in knowing— not having to ask.

Add more if necessary; review expectations with students when necessary. Make meaningful classroom procedures for older students and watch your classroom soar.

meaningful classroom procedures for high school classes

Tips for decor of a learning environment.

First, research from Edutopia states: “But designing a space is not decorating. Instead, it should impact learning and have a purpose.” To create a positive classroom culture, I agree: pieces should have a purpose. (Note: When I use “decor,” I am referencing anything from books to hanging student work to anchor charts to a list of rules.)

The first time I set up my room, I probably added too much to the walls. Overall, I was not purposeful, and not everything contributed to student learning.

So, how do purposeful pieces create meaningful classroom procedures? Some questions might be helpful: Ask if pieces have a purpose or if they add clutter. Since procedures are tied to student behavior, consider if you need a visual reminder.

Finally, ask yourself if a piece from your room was destroyed, would you replace it? If not, you might not need to buy or use it. Decor like posters, charts, and quotes can add to meaningful classroom procedures. Be sure that the overwhelm doesn’t take hold!

Benefits of a positive classroom community.

By teaching meaningful classroom procedures, you will build relationships with students by teaching expectations and routines. Some people easily adapt to changes in their lives. Other students appreciate structure and routines. When classes know what to expect every day in class, they are not focused on acclimating themselves. Instead they can begin work and behave the way you taught them.

Plus, procedures and routines for high school will ease absences. When students understand how to begin class and where to find their work, a substitute teacher’s job is easier. When a student is absent, that person knows the expectations.

Teaching classroom routines and procedures made me and my students happier. I didn’t expect them to know every expectation I had. Do I have a routine? Have I explained my procedures? More times than not, when I teach my procedures and routines with secondary classes, they are happy to oblige. They simply want to know what they should do.

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meaningful classroom procedures

If you are looking for more ways to start the school year organized, check out what to expect the first day with high school students.


  • rlubianski

    I totally agree! I teach at the high school level and we have a Quote of the Day and Warm-up for our entry routine and we have a Ticket Out the Door (TOD) exit routine. The TOD is usually a simple question about what we covered in class that day, that can be answered in a couple of words. Sometimes the TOD is asking for an opinion or sometimes there is a right answer, if they stay back till they get it wrong. I didn’t realize how much my students liked routines until I had “one of those days” and didn’t come up with a TOD. The students actually made a comment about it asking why I didn’t have one and what was wrong. So now if I can’t come up with an educational TOD I’ll ask for a high five or something silly for their ticket out the door.

    • [email protected] (author)

      They really do like the routine. It may sound silly, but older kids thrive on routine. They enjoy knowing what to expect. Plus? When a sub is there, they fall into the routine. It takes some of the guess work out of the way.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  • jo

    I am teaching 6th grade math after 20 years of elementary and I agree they need a routine and direction. I am slowing working on my procedures basically trial and error this first year. I have a question when you do a ticket out the door – do they write that in a journal of is it something they give you. I have many ideas just need to work through them and procedures into place. Thanks for your ideas.

    • [email protected] (author)

      Good luck! That’s a big switch.

      When I use exit tickets, I have students write on note cards. They hand me the note card as they leave and I can read them quickly as I walk back to my desk. I keep them filed – and I ask students to date them. This sometimes is helpful when I need to talk to a counselor about a specific student.

      I have seen other teachers do this on slips of paper and discard them. I think both ways work. Personally, I like keeping a record (and I don’t do exit tickets every day) so I can see patterns. I’ve also used them with parents, or when parents ask me to complete a form for a doctor.

      Again, good luck and I hope this helps.

  • Liz

    I’ve just taught my Year 8 class the sign language to ask to go to the bathroom. After 20+ years of teaching, I wish I had thought of this earlier. So much quicker and less disruptive than the hand up etc. They can make the sign and I can nod, plus its an acknowledgement of other ways of communicating.

    • Lauralee (author)

      Hey Liz,

      That is a great idea. I like the other ways of communicating concept too. So important!


  • Mya

    I teach the 8th grade, and in our schools schedule we have 45 minutes in the morning before any classes start. It’s perfect to sort of wake up all the kids and start them for the day. This year I started doing a procedure- I wrote a new quote on the board and the class would answer my question about it in a paragraph form. We would sometimes share our answers and they would also sometimes be marked. After two weeks of this my students got really bored of doing the same thing everyday. So I came up with the idea to have a set procedure for each day of the week:
    Monday- Journaling (about the past weeks events or using a writing prompt)
    Tuesday- Quote
    Wednesday- Group discussion (talking and debating the topic written on the board with your table group)
    Thursday- Class discussion about current news events (this is my favorite because I think its really important for kids to be up to date with world news)
    Friday- Quiet independent work (I just give them time to work on whatever work they have, study and review or read a book)

    This schedule has been working wonderfully, and even more amazing when they’re left with a sub.

    • [email protected] (author)

      Thanks so much for detailing your schedule. It seems sensible! I think you will have other teachers copying that. 🙂


    I bought a time punch machine for the classroom. I would put a timer on the board and the students had to have their assignment punched and put in the basket before the timer finished. I had a 95% turn in rate for this little trick. Even when I had a sub, the students knew that their work had to be punched for credit.

    • Lauralee (author)

      Do they love the machine? I bet that is fun for them.

  • Penny

    Excellent. Yes, even high school students need structure and routine. If they don’t know what you expect, then you shouldn’t be disappointed when you don’t get it.

  • Mr. Prince

    9th grade English here. This year, I do not open the door until the room is completely ready, then I stand and get a high-five, fist bump, etc. as I verbally welcome each student. It really has transformed the attitude of students at the very beginning of class. They act as if they’re entering a workspace and get right down to it. And their moods are better, too. It’s hard to be sullen after a first-bump and sincere welcome from the teacher.

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