Enhance Learning: Reading Aloud with Secondary Students

Reading aloud to older students provides many benefits. Incorporate reading aloud in class.

Have you tried reading aloud with secondary students? My results are positive! 

Many of you have followed me this school year as I work to create a literacy-rich secondary classroom. I’ve built a classroom library and implemented First Chapter Fridays. My students have positively responded to these efforts. I always want to reflect, to search for new meaning in my activities with students.

As I started First Chapter Fridays (where I read one chapter of a new book each Friday), I noticed that older students love when I read to them. They would beg me to read more, and they were attentive so I normally complied.

I did not understand the why though. Since I started, I found research that supports my efforts, and I’m glad I followed my instincts: There is reasoning and science behind oral readings. No one has questioned my reading aloud to high school students, but if someone questions you, know that there are benefits of reading aloud to older students.

Reading aloud: add reading aloud in class to your secondary ELA classroom. Reading to secondary students can brighten and engage. Reading for secondary students soothes and helps. Reading aloud to older students works for First Chapter Friday! The benefits of reading aloud to older students is clear.

How did this happen? Quite naturally!

I began reading aloud more of our class novels together, and then I began reading aloud interesting pieces from new sources. Next, I began reading an interesting sentence from my personal book. Finally, I began reading aloud in general, and the results overwhelmed me. Reading aloud to older students has improved my classroom environment in multiple ways.

How can reading aloud with secondary students benefit your classroom?

My experiences in reading to high school students told me to continue the process and when you try read-alouds with high schoolers, you’ll be impressed with the conversations you share.

Below, are a few of my positive interactions with students through read-alouds.

Read alouds for high school students


Humans tell stories. Before modern printing, people shared oral histories. Storytelling was a social event, and until modern times, was not done in privacy. The more I work with students, the more I wonder if the wonder of literacy is stripped away. Reading for fun, for simple enjoyment is a natural part of my life. Classes should experience that feeling too!

I knew that, yet I was surprised to learn that reading aloud boosts memory. Could our brains be hardwired to hear stories orally? What if social media was partly successful because our brains were craving their storytelling nature? We humans share stories casually, but what about formal reading aloud?

Through reading stories together, students and I connected reading and images to what they see on their phones every day.

We know that when humans gather today, we tell stories. Our brains crave those stories, and read-alouds capitalize on our nature. Reading aloud with secondary students is a natural part of engaging with them.

Benefits of reading aloud to older students include class discussions


The next generation of parents? Statistically, I have some students who are a few years away from becoming parents, and in my classes, some are already parents. We teachers know to read to babies. Do my students? Part of educating my students for their next step in life is showing them the importance of literacy.

Once while reading, I paused during a read aloud and posed the question: When should you read to a baby? Many students remarked that you should wait until children are older; a few said the child’s entire life. We had a discussion about the benefits of reading to infants and developing that habit. Even if a child is too young hold a book, reading still benefits that child.

It was a slight action in class, not heavily researched. As a parent, I know that instinctively, parents want to do right by their children. I hope that authentic conversation made a dent on my students and that in a few years, they pick up a book for their own infants.

Reading aloud to older students can increase metacognition skills


I suspected that auditory learners would naturally enjoy my reading to them. But, I wondered, what could those learners expect in future years?

Students who best retain auditory information should apply different methods for studying. For instance, they can read aloud to themselves or study flash cards aloud. Students who respond well to read-alouds might do well with singing or rhyming information.

As I read aloud, I’ve reflected with students about the metacognition of the process. Do they enjoy hearing information? If so, how can we transfer that idea to the rest of their learning? Reading aloud with my high schoolers has allowed me to broach the topics of study skills, paper revisions, and audio books.

Additionally, I model my thought process as I encounter unfamiliar words. Show students your learning: How you look up a word, attach it to prior knowledge, how you see the part of speech and become accustomed to the word. As an adult, I know that not knowing everything is acceptable. Do young learners realize that?

Specifically, try to verbalize my learning methods: Don’t simply skip over a word or guess at the meaning. Show students that is is OK to not know everything! We simply need to use our resources. Sometimes, I fear that students think they’ll never be able to accomplish all the components that we teach them. Learning is ongoing!

We teachers constantly seek ways to improve our students’ understanding of our content, and through reading aloud with secondary students, I’ve found great success. Sure, we are enjoying a story and analyzing the content. More than that, we are establishing patterns that they enjoy and can use for life. We are working together through read-alouds.

Reading aloud in class can build student relationships


Students are calm and engaged when you read to them. Reading aloud in class for only a few minutes focuses students. Sometimes, reminding everyone to actively listen helps. The simple goal of listening to learn can keep everyone focused.

Plus, I am not a perfect reader. Sometimes, my stumbles or mispronunciations allow me to humanize myself to classes. We all make mistakes and recover—good modeling for a classroom community of learners.

If a class and I are have an “off day,” I will grab a book of poetry or a picture book and read to them. Reading for secondary students should be fun, and when I engage students this way, the class is receptive. Another possible reason is that students feel a connection with their teacher, thus building relationships, which then improves classroom management. . .

reading responses

Literacy, fluency, and vocabulary.

Engaging in any form of literacy benefits classes.

Fluency also helps students with reading comprehension. Listening to a professional read In the classroom allows students to practice listening skills. As teachers, our goal is to enhance students’ understanding of the content, and orally sharing information can help to get us there.

Finally, reading aloud with secondary students is a powerful tool for both teaching and learning. Specifically, it provides an opportunity for educators to demonstrate their own thought processes when encountering unfamiliar words, showcasing the importance of looking up definitions, connecting new words to prior knowledge, and understanding the part of speech. By verbalizing these strategies, teachers can instill in students the value of using available resources to enhance their understanding.


Want to try it for yourself? Grab a story, read it to your classes, and try a quick extension activity.

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Reading for secondary students shouldn’t just be done alone! Reading aloud to older students provides opportunities for modeling, building relationships, and strengthening readers. What benefits of reading aloud to older student have you seen?
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