Introduce Night by Elie Wiesel with an Internet search, study of “The Perils of Indifference,” and overall lesson of Holocaust terms. Students often read Night and are saddened by it, but do not connect the issues to present day. They normally need an activity to see that genocide still happens today.
Introductory activities for Night:
Students will read Elie Weisel’s speech (given in 1999), analyze parts of it, and learn the terms he uses—terms which are later used in the book. Included:
* Introduction to Elie Wiesel’s 1999 speech, “The Perils of Indifference.”
* Terms from the speech and book (and teacher key).
* A presentation for students to consult with the terms to consult as they read the book.
* Quiz over the terms (and teacher answer key).
* Short answer questions that pertain to the speech.
* Suggested websites for students to find answers.
* Common Core Standards applied to project.
* Suggestions for using the project in class.
Students will begin reading Night with a larger picture of the Holocaust and understand how its lasting effects connect to today. As students read “The Perils of Indifference,” they will start to see the impact the Holocaust continues to have.