Download a variety of narrative writing activities! Students love writing narratives, and language arts standards dictate that students focus on certain elements in narrative writing.
I made these narrative writing activities to outline elements for this specific type of writing. This editable presentation covers basics such as tone, dialogue, description, and more. Use the note taking sheets and graphic organizers throughout your writing process!
No matter what type of narrative your students will write, this material will cover the basics.
Included in this narrative writing activities download:
→ 35 slide presentation that covers:
√ The content requirements of a narrative, such as setting, theme, plot structure, and characters.
√ The writing craft of a narrative such as tone, dialogue, precise language, pacing, description, sensory language, and figurative language.
→ Note sheets designed like graphic organizers. (See the final thumbnail and preview for more details.)
I have used these narrative writing activities as an introduction to narrative writing or a review when students need to focus with writing. The terms and devices covered in this download also help you and your students meet narrative writing standards. Finally, the note sheets allow for student ownership of the concepts while writing narratives.
Add these narrative writing activities to your middle school and high school writing lessons.