Active and Passive Voice Multimedia Unit | Video, Task Cards, Sort Verb Voice


Add this multi-media active and passive voice activity to your language arts grammar and writing lessons. With the theme of zombies, these active and passive voice activities will provide entertainment in learning verb voice. Add the Active and Passive Voice Multimedia Unit to your language arts classroom to meet language standards for verb voice.

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Ready to try a zombie active and passive voice bundle?

Stop active and passive voice in verbs from stumping your students with this active and passive voice multimedia unit! This voice bundle includes a grammar video to teach active and passive voice, plus practice activities. The task cards, exit ticket, student note sheets, and grammar sort are in PDF form AND digital format. See the preview for pictures of the digital activities.

I made this grammar video and the activities for older students to build active and passive voice lessons. I also use these activities when I review for standardized testing.

Add grammar FUN to your active and passive voice lessons with zombies!

This zombie active and passive voice bundle includes:

★ A video. The video is in two formats, mp4 and wmv. It is 2:56 in length. It has unique music and graphics. It covers the differences between active and passive voice, ways to identify and change passive voice to active voice, and rare circumstances for using passive voice. See a preview here:

★ A student sheet for taking notes during the video.

★ 20 task cards with practice sentences. 10 sentences allow students to practice identifying verbs in active and passive voice. 10 sentences ask students to identify verb voice, and change passive voice to active voice. A student answer sheet for writing is included.

★ 20 sentences in a grammar sort. Students must sort the sentences into passive and active voice columns. A student answer sheet is included.

★ An interactive notebook piece.

★ 5 sentences on an exit ticket. Use this as a quick assessment.

★ An answer key for all activities (editable format).

Make life easier while teaching students active and passive voice in verbs with this grammar video and accompanying grammar activities. Add this Active and Passive Voice Multimedia Unit to your language arts classroom.