Creative Bulletin Boards for High School Students

Bulletin boards for high school can be purposeful & simple. Bulletin board ideas for high school English teachers should be easy to make & appropriate for teenagers. Language arts bulletin board ideas can include word walls, First Chapter Friday picks, & writing ideas. Language arts bulletin boards can be student created. ELA bulletin boards have endless possibilities.

ELA bulletin boards can help students to understand content and reinforce practice. They can stress your messages, and they can build community. Once, I strove to change bulletin boards monthly, and that did not work due to a lack of time.

So now, my English bulletin boards are easily modified without completely changing all pieces. Most of the displays require student interactions too. Overall, the displays make my teaching better, my life easier, and my classes happier.

literature displays

What types of information should be displayed on bulletin boards for high school students?

Bulletin boards for high school students should display a mix of informative and engaging content. This can include academic resources, inspirational quotes, student work, and relevant information about class. Here are ten suggestions for sensible boards.

provide information to students

Classroom Rules, Procedures, Information

An easy way to manage bulletin boards for high school is to set one at the start of the school year and leave it.

Include important announcements like the daily schedule, lunch breaks, study hall rooms, school calendar, and anything else important to the school year. If your school has special guidelines surrounding something (specific club meeting days, early out days), post that information too.

Whatever your rules and procedures are for your room, print and hang them. Consider classroom library, restroom, and charging station guidelines.

Finally, add rules around content, perhaps MLA guidelines.

Your bulletin boards for high school students will be done for the year.

SEL and growth mindset

Mindset, Motivation, Encouragement

A social emotional learning or mindset board can inspire students! Plus, with the material on the wall, you’ll easily be able to add it into class discussions.

Since older classes are familiar with SEL concepts, a bulletin board focused on promoting a growth mindset can be highly beneficial. Include motivational quotes, success stories, and tips for developing resilience.

Another part of a mindset display could be college and career information. Helping students prepare for life after high school is crucial, and your school’s counseling department might have free information you can post. Give teenagers a well-rounded

Display information about college applications, career paths, internships, and other opportunities to guide students in their future endeavors.

Remember, you needn’t create bulletin boards for high school from scratch. Tons of nonprofits provide mindset and goal-setting material for free.

seasonal decor can take many angles with older students

Seasonal Displays

Seasonal displays for high school students might seem juvenile, but if you highlight important topics, they will work.

Fall bulletin board ideas might include the return to school and study skills. Older students still have questions about processes, so include announcements from your school about times to join clubs and sports.

As students return from winter break, junior classes are focused on college entrance exams. Posting reminders, guidelines, and daily study pieces (like testing apps) would be meaningful to teenagers.

Heading into spring? Showcase reading programs and other summer opportunities for learning from the community.

displays for older students in the language arts classroom

Monthly Displays

I personally could not change my displays monthly because I do not have time. However, some teachers find decorating to be a creative outlet, almost relaxing. Some teachers also have assistants! In one of those cases, change your bulletin board monthly.

January could have a Martin Luther King display, February a romantic book display, March a Women’s History Month theme, April a Shakespeare one, and so on.

Another option for a a monthly display is to change out student work every month. Vocabulary drawings, one-pagers, and inforgraphics are high school materials to display.

high school bulletin boards

Classic Authors—Shakespeare, Austen

Celebrate an author, time period, genre, or book series with its own display. For an author, include important facts about life, stories, trials, and successes. Another bulletin board could cover specific time periods like the historical Elizabethan or literary romanticism.

Rotating displays can be a creative outlet to emphasize class material; however, I err on the side of teacher time. Don’t stay after work or build pieces over the weekend. With a display that celebrates authors, you’ll have timely material all year.

literature displays

Literary Enthusiasm 

A literary board is the perfect display for classes to build. Add a heading and let students add examples. The heading might be, “I Caught” or “Literature Around Every Corner.” The purpose of this bulletin board is for students to note references to literature outside of the classroom. Examples can be from social media, shows, movies, or books.

Next, I keep note pieces and markers next to the board, and I encourage students to write what they notice. They often add an idea on a sticky note, and I check the note for clarity. Such a board also keeps be updated with what students watch and find interesting.

Another option is to recommend books with “if you like ___,” then ___ “try this book___” pieces. After you recommend books, encourage classes to join in.

writing and grammar definitions for a display

Writing Facts and English Language

We ELA teachers present writing, grammar, literary, and rhetorical devices to students. Lots of information! Sure, classes take notes and practice, but a display of the terms and examples allows reinforcement of the information. English language is complex, and reminders on a display help.

Take for example a concept like “cliche.” Young writers often use cliches (in abundance) even if they understand a cliche’s limitations to convey clear meaning. With the definition and lots of examples on display, simply reference the board during editing and revising sessions.

You can add posters from my writing bundle.

word wall as a bulletin board for high school students

Vocabulary Word Wall—Printable Pieces

My favorite bulletin board for high school students is one that they make. When we work on vocabulary and grammar together, we practice words in a variety of ways. Sure, I want students to know the definition and the part of speech, but I also want them to use those words in their own writing, to understand the connotation, and to form varying versions.

You needn’t worry about making anything with a vocabulary word wall. Print out the pieces—they can be used with any set of vocabulary words. Distribute the frames and direct classes to engage with their vocabulary words. Ask them to:

  • Define the word.
  • Examine the connotation.
  • Write a practice sentence.
  • Manipulate the vocabulary word into a different part of speech.

With easy word wall pieces, students can add their creations to your vocabulary word wall. They will interact with a board they created.

YA Author Decorations

No one can cover every author in class, but we English teachers hope to inspire as many readers as possible. Often, students need to see themselves represented in literature. You can see my design for such as ELA bulletin board that showcases a variety of authors. You can display authors in a variety of ways, some of which might be:

  • Popular authors
  • Authors as screenwriters
  • Classroom library picks
  • Monthly themes (June for Pride, for example)
  • NYT Bestseller List
  • Nobel, Pulitzer winners

Readers love to learn about new people and topics, and an ELA bulletin board that showcases your community’s interests will be worthwhile.

First Chapter Friday picks make a great bulletin board

First Chapter Friday

I adore the community that my students and I build with First Chapter Friday. A fast ELA bulletin board is to display images of your books that you read every Friday. I quick picture or image from the Internet will do.

What I enjoy about this language arts bulletin board is that you can build it every Friday. Plus, you can visually relate to the stories you’ve covered as topics develop in class.

Bulletin boards for high school can be purposeful & simple. Bulletin board ideas for high school English teachers should be easy to make & appropriate for teenagers. Language arts bulletin board ideas can include word walls, First Chapter Friday picks, & writing ideas. Language arts bulletin boards can be student created. ELA bulletin boards have endless possibilities.

Unsuccessful Bulletin Boards

One time I had a high school bulletin board with a huge crossword puzzle using vocabulary words. It was fun, but my students wanted one for each chapter’s vocabulary. Blowing up the puzzle and with laminate (for multiple use) was costly, and since it was my money, I only did it once.

Another time, I did a “falling for books” display. It was too cutesy for older classes. The border was leaves, and I put book images at an angle, like they were falling. My high school classes did not interact with the board.

Finally, another failed display included a spooky October one. It failed to resonate with older classes. Reflecting, adding Poe or other mystery writers could have saved it.

Hopefully, you can learn from my failed experimentations!

Tips for a Pinterest Board

Ok: classroom decor is always on Pinterest and Instagram, but older classes do not care about laminated letters or cutesy printables. Creating an effective display for high school students is tough. Student work, class topics, and books make the best bulletin boards for high school students. Borrow from social media, but do not stress yourself.

Also, remember, the bulletin board needn’t be overwhelmed with decorations! Add butcher paper, a ribbon around the edge, and print posters. Finally, a great way to build community is to involve the students. Set up a small cart with sticky notes, markers, and push pins. Maybe the final product won’t belong on Pinterest, but your students will appreciate it.

Bulletin boards for high school students can be attractive and purposeful. With a bit of experimentation, you will find the perfect language arts bulletin boards that fit your community.

Do you need bulletin board ideas for middle school?

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