Are you encouraging literacy during distance learning? Here are my ideas for encouraging students to read while we’re not in the classroom. After a bit of the dust settled with…
Posts Taggedfirst chapter friday
Teacher’s Guide to Organizing First Chapter Friday
As you asked: the Teacher’s Guide to Organizing First Chapter Friday. Improve classroom management and relationships with students with these First Chapter Friday, high school ideas. Many people ask me…
10 Books for First Chapter Friday
Books for First Chapter Friday? These ten books worked well because their first chapters are awesome. Teachers ask me about how I manage First Chapter Friday, and I’ve written extensively…
What is First Chapter Friday?
What is First Chapter Friday? About two months ago, I published a post about my success with First Chapter Friday. I began using the hashtag #FirstChapterFriday on Instagram. Teachers asked…
Engage Students: First Chapter Fridays Explained
First Chapter Fridays work well in my secondary classroom. Here are some tips I’ve learned. (First, I want to acknowledge that I did not invent First Chapter Fridays. I saw…