Use verbal phrases task cards to practice identification of gerunds, participials, and infinitives. Each grammar task card contains a sentence with a verbal phrase. Students must identify the gerund, infinitive, or participle. This download contains the PDF version as well as a digital version.
Included in these verbal phrase task cards:
✓ 40 sentences, one per task card. Each sentence contains a verbal phrase. Students must complete different functions for each set of task cards. For instance, students must find, identify, and explain the verbal’s function (noun, adjective). Four task cards per page.
✓ Answer key.
Use for these verbal phrase task cards:
√ Grammar stations
√ Center work
√ Independent practice
This grammar lesson makes for a quick review of verbal phrases. (It does not have instructional material to teach verbals; please check out my verbals unit.) You will receive a PDF form as well as a link to download a Google Drive version of the activity.
Working on gerund phrases, infinitive phrases, and participial phrases is a common study for older students. I created these task cards for verbal phrases to get students talking with each other and rotating around the classroom.