Simple and Compound Sentences Grammar Sort | Sentence Structure Activity


This grammar sort for simple and compound sentences allows students to differentiate between sentence structures. Teachers can review the basics of sentence structure before moving to more complex analysis. If your language arts classes like hands-on-grammar, this grammar sort will work well.

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This simple and compound sentence sort allows students to practice identifying the differences between simple and compound sentences. Two sheets of twenty sentences and an answer key are included. Many teachers use this sort to help students with comma use.

You will have a PDF version as well as a link to a Google Drive version.

When students try to identify types of sentences, they often become overwhelmed. To take a step back, I break sentences into different types. This activity asks students to decide if the sentences are simple or compound. It allows students not to worry about subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns.

Included in this simple and compound sentence structure activity:
☆ Two sets of 20 sentences that are either simple or compound. Forty sentences total!
☆ An answer key for all 40 sentences.
☆ An answer sheet for students. You won’t need this sheet if you put the sentences in an interactive grammar notebook.

Ideas for using this compound sentence structure activity:
☆ Have students separate simple and compound sentences with partners, a group, centers, or in stations.
☆ Draw conclusions about the punctuation used, the differences between the simple and compound sentences, and the possibilities for sentence structure in their writing.
☆ This grammar sort adds perfectly to scaffolded grammar practice.

This simple and compound sentences grammar sort is an excellent tool to help your students develop a clear understanding of sentence structure. It includes 40 sentences that will allow your students to identify simple and compound sentences. In addition, it provides scaffolding support for further sentence structure lessons.

Perfect for use as part of stations or centers, this one-of-a-kind resource is sure to be a great addition to any educator’s teaching toolkit! With this simple and compound sentences grammar sort, you can rest assured that your students will gain a comprehensive understanding of sentence structure, providing them with essential grammar skills which they can use for life.

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