Grammar Coloring Pages Bundle | Basics of Grammar Coloring Game


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Meet upper elementary grammar standards with these grammar coloring activities. Students will practice their basics grammar skills while matching codes to coloring sheets.

This grammar coloring bundle includes TEN products plus one BONUS activity for a discounted price. This grammar coloring sheet bundle is targeted for younger grades. Practice covers basic grammar skills like the parts of speech, types of sentences, and commas.

Included in this coloring bundle for upper elementary grammar:

★ A coloring sheet for each grammar skill with sections numbered.

★ 20 practice sentences with a word underlined in each one. Students will need to identify each one as:

→ a preposition or conjunction.

→ an action or a linking verb.

→ personal, compound personal, indefinite, or demonstrative pronouns. (See note below.)

→ subordinating, correlative, or coordinating conjunctions. (See note below).

→ types of sentences (interrogative, exclamatory, declarative, or imperative).

→ forms of personal pronouns (subjective, objective, or possessive).

→ comma placement practice.

→ a subject, verb, direct object, indirect object, predicate noun, or predicate adjective.
→ a noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, or interjection.

→ a demonstrative, personal, compound personal, demonstrative, relative, or interrogative pronoun.

→ parts of speech (noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction,
interjection) BONUS file—only in this bundle.

★ A coloring key. Each grammar skill is assigned a color.

★ An answer key, and a picture of a finished sheet.

Specific notes about these grammar coloring sheets:

★ The pronoun and conjunction sheets do not have sentences. Rather, each sheet has personal, compound personal, indefinite, and demonstrative pronouns; subjective, objective and possessive pronouns; correlative, subordinating, and coordinating conjunctions directly on the coloring sheet with a key for coloring.

★ The comma activity has ten small paragraphs, rather than twenty sentences.

★ BONUS: A parts of speech coloring activity! With this grammar bundle, you will receive an extra coloring sheet plus twenty sentences to practice parts of speech. You can see pictures of the grammar bonus below! That parts of speech activity is a free grammar bonus exclusively for this bundle.

★ POSSIBLE USES: If you need daily grammar practice, grammar games, or coloring pages, these coloring sheets will work in a variety of ways. If you want to turn the grammar coloring pages into a game, have students race, complete the most correct questions, or “switch and pass” around the room.

If you would like to see more detailed descriptions and additional pictures, the grammar activities are highlighted above.

NOTE: Due to students looking up answers online, the pictures shown here do NOT accurately reflect the answer key.