Prepositions & Conjunctions Coloring Sheets | Preposition or Conjunction Activity


Prepositions and conjunctions coloring sheets allow for practice with two parts of speech in a unique way. Add coloring to grammar lessons!

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Study prepositions and conjunctions with these two grammar coloring activities. Students will analyze sentences and have fun with a creative outlet. This grammar coloring activity will get students having fun with grammar!

Included in this preposition and conjunction activity:
→ A coloring sheet with blocks. Sections are numbered. Students will color different sections of the blocks according to the key.

→ A coloring sheet of a rocket. Sections are numbered. Students will color different sections according to the key.
→ Two sets of 20 sentences that have words underlined – either a preposition or a conjunction. Students will find the correct answer and match the color to the type of sentence. Sentences 1-10 have a coloring key, and sentences 11-20 have a different one. (40 sentences total, 20 per coloring sheet.)
→ A picture of each finished sheet.

This grammar activity is a great review for prepositions and conjunctions, especially when students need to practice grammar in context.


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