This guide and graphic organizer accompanies the documentary “Poverty Inc.” This documentary would be interesting for high school students. It is not rated, but I personally would rate it as PG.
“Poverty Inc.” covers the humanitarian aid system as it currently stands – and the problems associated with creating a cycle of donations.
The guide has 15 questions in chronological order of the documentary; the questions are completely editable. Two questions work for pre-viewing, and two questions work for post-viewing. The questions allow thought and reflection about the documentary.
A graphic organizer is included as well. Depending upon your area of study, you may need to define some terms such as “colonialism” and “subsidies” with students. The graphic organizer will help with new concepts and ideas from the documentary.
This guide is ready to use and works well for a substitute teacher—it has answers which would suffice as lesson plans. It would work well in an ELA, social studies, current events, or sociology class.
“Poverty Inc.” raises interesting questions and can allow for further research and discussion. I have included ideas for teaching and possible articles for reading. The material takes me 2-3 class periods to cover.