This writing bundle contains everything I use for writing throughout the year with my freshmen and sophomores. The preview contains a detailed map for using all of these products, which I have created to address different learners and needs. The material in this writing is available in digital and print formats
While creating these writing activities, I kept the overarching idea in mind that students can and should take responsibility in for their learning and writing. Many points throughout these activities, I ask students to reflect and take ownership of the writing process, something important for older students.
Most of the contents of this bundle are in my store separately (listed below), but this bundle contains the outline for using the materials, editable checklists, and all the materials at a discounted price.
Specifically included in this high school writing bundle:
Writing Expectations Powerpoint (Google Slides)
√ Completely editable writing presentation. Covers:
• Expectations for revising and editing papers and applying teacher comments.
• Specific paper problems such as wordiness, incomplete thoughts, cliches, etc.
• Definitions, examples, and expectations for brainstorming, introductions, topic
sentences, thesis statements, conclusions, focus, organization, voice, conventions,
transitions, style, and more.
√ Student note-taking sheets.
High School Writing Prompts
Need help with ideas for larger papers? These writing prompts are divided into categories: narrative, informative, argumentative.
Improve Student Writing: Overused Words, Sentence Structure, and More
As students continue with writing, show them small but meaningful ways to improve their writing.
This writing activity specifically helps students improve their vocabulary.
Organize Student Writing: Outlining or Graphic Organizers
Get students on the path to success with these activities that cover organization basics. You choose the approach that works best for your classes while building a community of writers.
MLA Research Rubrics (editable) and Writing Cards
These rubrics are editable because everyone has slightly different wording. I have also included an editable editing and revising sheet to use as you conference with students and to track data.
Improve Student Writing: Eliminate Linking Verbs
Students may struggle with thinking of strong verbs. For students who repeat is, am, are, was, were… this activity is for them.
This writing activity includes task cards and writing practice.
Editing and Revising Activities Bundle for Secondary Students
Differentiate with this editing and revising activity! I typically use stations for students, but partner and individual practice will work too.
Improve Student Writing: Stop Writing Cliches!
Provide students with a method for improving their descriptions while eliminating common cliches. Easily turn the cliche cards into a fun writing game.
Argumentative Presentation and Activity
Set the foundation and your expectations with this editable Powerpoint for argumentative writing. A RAFT activity is included.
Writing Graphic Organizers
Eleven graphic organizers will allow you to scaffold and provide student choice throughout the writing process.
The writing graphic organizers cover:
√ Introductions
√ Traits of writing
√ Sentence structure
√ Conclusions
√ Brainstorming options
√ Transitions
√ Voice
Writing Bell Ringers with Pictures
To help students write for various purposes, I created a presentation with 33 writing prompts (enough for one month). The prompts are either narrative, expository, or argumentative. Many teachers use these as bell ringers; however, you may fit them into practice any time during class.
Writing Test Bank
Since many high school teachers are required to give final exams, I have included a test bank with over 40 EDITABLE pages of test questions. You will receive a Word document that you can modify to use as a pre-test, final exam, or post-unit test.
BONUS! Bulletin Board Pieces
Older students appreciate mature looking displays. I have included “writing” lettering, posters, and conferencing cards. I typically hang a decorative folder with the cards and ask students to “take what they need.”
More details about this high school writing bundle:
√ This writing bulletin board is only available in the bundle.
√ I use all of these writing activities with my high school students throughout the school year. Because there are so many, you will be able to differentiate and personalize. I do not have a complete map of day by day activities, but I do include the overall process in the preview.
√ You can view the specifics of this writing bundle in the above links, but this bundle does contain extras file of bulletin board pieces to use with older students.
√ This writing bundle specifically works with freshmen and sophomores, but with a few adjustments, the materials will work for a bit younger or older students. I have left the majority of the material editable, and you will have a license to use this digitally.