Types of sentences coloring sheets will have your students engaged in learning interrogative, declarative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences. Students will identify sentences and then color according to a key.
Bring coloring to grammar activities as a fun alternative to a grammar worksheet.
Included in this types of sentences coloring activity:
√ TWO coloring sheets. One has with flowers and leaves. The second has a farm picture. Sections are numbered. Students will color the type of sentence according to the key.
√ 20 sentences (for each sheet, so 40 sentences total) that are either interrogative, declarative, imperative, or exclamatory sentences. Students will find the correct answer and match the color to the type of sentence.
√ A picture of each finished sheet.
Details about this types of sentences activity:
√ The sentences and answer keys are in editable files. The coloring sheets are not editable due to licensing restrictions.
√ I purposefully provided very different coloring sheet options to provide student choice.
√ Due to students looking up answers online, the pictures shown here do NOT accurately reflect the answer key.
These types of sentences coloring sheets make for great review at the end of a unit over interrogative, declarative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences. Students love coloring, and the practice relaxes them. Study types of sentences with all the benefits of coloring.
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